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【A-Level物理】Absolute uncertainty的计算

作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2021-04-01

测量时,一个测量值通常写成:measurement=(best estimate ± absolute uncertainty) units,例如(20.1±0.1)cm,20.1cm是best estimate,指的是测量人员觉得该测量值非常接近20.1cm。Absolute uncertainty是0.1cm,指的是真实值可能在20.0cm和20.2cm之间出现。这里的absolute uncertainty只是uncertainty中的一种。

Uncertainty(不确定度)一共有三种,分别是absolute uncertaintyfractional uncertaintypercentage uncertainty

通常说uncertainty指的是absolute uncertainty。而fractional uncertainty和percentage uncertainty实际上是同种uncertainty的两种不同表示方法,只是fractional uncertainty最终结果写成分数或小数,percentage uncertainty的最终结果写成百分数。所以在讨论uncertainty的计算问题时,主要掌握absolute uncertainty和percentage uncertainty的计算。本文只讨论absolute uncertainty的计算。

Part A. 测量一次absolute Uncertainly的计算

Absolute uncertainty简称uncertainty,计算时分两种情况,一种是只测量一次,一种是测量多次。


Analog instrument : ½ of the smallest increment (resolution)

Digital instrument : the smallest scale division


Example 1

The uncertainty in the value of the momentum of a trolley passing between two points X and Y varies with the choice of measuring devices.

Measurements for the same trolley made by different instruments were recorded.

1 distance between X and Y using a metre rule with cm divisions = 0.55m

2 distance between X and Y using a metre rule with mm divisions = 0.547m

3 timings using a wristwatch measuring to the nearest 0.5s at X = 0.0 s and at Y = 4.5s

4 timings using light gates measuring to the nearest 0.1s at X = 0.0s and at Y = 4.3s

5 mass of trolley using a balance measuring to the nearest g = 6.4 × 10–2 kg

6 mass of trolley using a balance measuring to the nearest 10g = 6 × 10–2 kg

Which measurements, one for each quantity measured, lead to the least uncertainty in the value of the momentum of the trolley?

A 1, 3 and 6 B 1, 4 and 6 C 2, 3 and 6 D 2, 4 and 5

解析:本题考查了三类物理量的uncertainly的比较,第1,2组是metre rule测量长度,第2组是mm比第1组cm小。第3,4组是测时间,第4组精度0.1s比第3组0.5s小。第5,6组测量质量,第5组精确到g比第6组精确到10g小,所以选D。

Part B. 多次测量absolute Uncertainly的计算

如果是多次测量某个物理量,uncertainty=half range=1/2(max-min),也有些考试uncertainty=range,我们这里用的是第一种公式计算多次测量的uncertainty。

Example 2

The student recorded the following measurements.



length / mm

75.8 75.9 75.7 75.8

thickness / mm

1.01 1.02 0.98 0.99 1.00

Use these measurements to estimate the uncertainty in the readings for length and thickness.

解析:对于length,uncertainly=half range=1/2(75.9-75.7)=0.01mm;对于thickness,uncertainly=half range=1/2(1.02-0.98)=0.02mm

Part C. absolute Uncertainly的数乘和加减运算

如果是多次测量某个物理量,uncertainty=half range=1/2(max-min)

除了掌握absolute uncertainty的基本计算,还要掌握absolute uncertainty的两种数学运算,即数乘和加减运算。

如果两个物理量x,y满足y=mx,m为常数,则absolute uncertainty of y=m×absolute uncertainty of x,即如果一个物理量z由两个物理量x,y相加或相减得到,即

Example 3

The long side of a rectangular piece of paper is measured to be (30±2) mm, and the short side is measured to be (20±3) mm. What is the perimeter of this piece of paper, together with its uncertainty?

a. (50±5) mm

b. (100±3) mm

c. (100±5) mm

d. (100±10) mm

e. (600±6) mm


Example 4

Four identical rods have a square cross-section. The rods are placed side by side and their total width is measured with vernier calipers, as shown.

The measurement is (8.4 ± 0.1)mm and the zero

reading on the calipers is (0.0 ± 0.1)mm.

What is the width of one rod?

A (2.10 ± 0.025)mm

B (2.10 ± 0.05)mm

C (2.1 ± 0.1)mm

D (2.1 ± 0.2)mm

解析:本题不仅考察了uncertainly的加减法,还考了数乘。首先four square rods的厚度为两个读数相减,则它们厚度的uncertainly=0.1+0.1=0.2mm,然后要求一个rod的厚度,需要除以4,即乘以1/4,则最终的uncertainly=0.2/4=0.05mm。

还有一些物理量,它的数值由几个物理量相乘或相除得到,对于这种求absolute uncertainty的问题,它的absolute uncertainty得先求出这个物理量的percentage uncertainty,然后根据percentage uncertainty的定义式算出absolute uncertainty,这个在percentage uncertainty的计算板块再讲。


